
To contact a member of the board, be sure you are logged into the site, click on the individual's name, and then select 'Send Message' to send a message to the individual's email account.

If you are unable to log in, you can contact FASN using the contact form.

How can YOU get involved?

  • Join a Committee (Listed below)
  • Attend the annual FASN and NASN conferences
  • Not sure where you can thrive? Email FASNinformation@gmail.com with your interests/concerns and we'll help you!

Elected Officers (Voting Members)

President: Robyn Hathaway

President-Elect: Beth Wipf

Treasurer: Danette Mouhica Seat is opening soon! Contact FASN asap if you are interested in being our Treasurer! 

Membership Secretary: Anne Meoli

Recording Secretary: Karen Ray

Past President: Kathy Browning

NASN Affiliate Director: Martha Hanna

Regional Representatives (Regions by county)

Region 1: Martha Hanna

Region 2: Angela Phillips

Region 3: Kristin Riebe

Region 4: OPEN- Are you a school nurse in Brevard, Flagler, Lake, Orange, Osceola, Seminole, Sumter or Volusia county? Consider being an advocate for your Region by emailing FASNInformation@gmail.com! No experience necessary. 

Region 5: Sara O'Toole

Region 6: Colleen Kelly & Jackie Lagos

Region 7: Melissa Wallace

Region 8: Danette Mouhica




  • Liaison between NASN and FASN, advocating at the national level for the needs/concerns of Florida school nurses
  • Chair: Lisa Kern 


  • Liaison between FASN and Florida's school nurses by receiving and disseminating information via social media and our website
  • Meets monthly to consolidate the information received from the committees
  • Chair: Karen Bodwell 


  • Compiles all applications received for the various awards and narrows down the top candidates to be chosen by the Awards Committee.
  • Does not meet monthly but will meet more frequently closer to the FASN conference date, when the winners are announced. (~February)
  • Chair: Karen Bodwell 


  • Qualifies the School Nurse Administrator of the Year and School Nurse of the Year
  • Co-Chairs: Wally Colon, Julie Lovett


  • Chair: Martha Bergren
  • Currently investigating the current needs to 

School Nurse Consultants

FDOE School Nurse Consultant: Karla Bass, BSN, RN 

FDOH School Health Program Administrator: Adam Fundora