Strategic Plan and Bylaws

Strategic Plan

Understanding the Strategic Plan

A Strategic Plan is the ladder for achiving our vision. Our vision is the wall that we are leaning our ladder up against. As individual school nurses, our goal is to help students achieve success in school and to manage those health problems that would be a barrier to that success.

As an organization, our vision is to support school nurses statewide so you can fulfil your goals. The strategic plan indicates the things we must focus on to make that happen. The strategic plan is written for the future (3-5 years at a time), but it needs to be reviewed yearly to make sure the ladder is not falling down, or worse, leaning against a different wall.

Vision for FASN

FASN is recognized as the premier organization serving school nurses statewide.

The five year strategic plan is action oriented, with tactical goals, and organizational planning. It defines where FASN should be by 2028. Read about FASN's goals and plans for implementation.

FASN Strategic Plan 2023-2028


Bylaws are the rules adopted by an organization for governing itself. The purpose of bylaws is to establish a basic structure for the organization and to guide its manner of operation. The bylaws contain those rules which the organization considers so important that they cannot be changed without approval by the general membership.

According to Roberts Rules of Order, "the provisions of the bylaws have direct bearing on the rights of members within the organization . . . A member should become familiar with the contents of these rules if he looks toward full participation in the [organization's] affairs." (RONR (10th ed.) p.14, l.25-26,32-34)

Whenever FASN considers a bylaw change, the membership is notified. The actual voting to accept or decline the changes in the bylaws takes place at FASN's annual business meeting. 

FASN Bylaws (Updated 2024 Annual Meeting)